Moroccan culture is all about sharing. #MoroccanFridays


The original photo above is by my dearest friend (and – very objectively – amazing photographer) Lina. Please do check out her work on Flickr here.

In Morocco, Fridays are known by many names. Holy day. Prayer day. Couscous day… So it only seems natural to start this new, weekly feature centred around Morocco, on a Friday.

What is #MoroccanFridays?

Moroccan culture is all about sharing and that is what I want to do. Every Friday, I will share some of the things I have learned with you. Whether it be myths, legends and folk-tales, geographical wonders, curious customs and traditions or – you never know – delicious couscous recipes… I am making Fridays all about Morocco.

Morocco? Why Morocco?

I have been working on my novel for (well over) a year. That is (well over) a year’s worth of research, reading and taking notes. Of course, my main source of inspiration has been my memory. My childhood in Morocco lies behind every word and every silence. It is the reason why I started this project in the first place.

But the more I write (and edit), the more I realise my memories aren’t enough.

They are tainted by nostalgia and the naivety of a child. Tainted by the distance and my eagerness to return to my “second roots”. I don’t condemn those memories, they are a powerful tool and an uplifting muse, but as I have said before, I read because I want the unvarnished truth and this also applies to my writing.

In order to be honest with you and with myself, I have had to climb off of my little cloud of melancholia, dive into the real world and look at Morocco through a wider-angle lens. I spent all of this week buried in books and this sparked the idea behind #MoroccanFridays.


Can’t I go to Wikipedia for that?

No, this will not be a copy & paste from the internet. It will not be your standard history class and it certainly will not be a series of 5,000 word anthropological essays. I can’t guarantee some of my posts won’t have been covered before and I can’t guarantee you will be as fascinated by, say, Berber culture as much as I am but I can guarantee you passion. (if you don’t believe me, know that I just spent half an hour drawing and perfecting the calligraphy on the picture above…)

And in the words of Wanda Skyes, “If you feel like there’s something out there that you’re supposed to be doing, if you have a passion for it, then stop wishing and just do it.”

See you next Friday for the first of many Moroccan Fridays!

I’m off to make couscous.

(I wish)


Thanks for reading.
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31 responses to “Moroccan culture is all about sharing. #MoroccanFridays

      • I’m hiking across Northern Spain from the Pyrenees in France on the Camino Santiago de Compostela. Not religious, just really like many of the elements that the Camino is and ready for a really long hike. Like you, I love being out in nature:0)).

        If it’s at all possible, I’ll get down south to see the usual suspects and if not, will do it another time and see Barcelona as well. You’ve probably been to Spain many times?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I’m so jealous. Hiking to Santiago de Compostela has been on my to-do list for a while now. I’m hoping to do it one day and I’m sure it’ll bring you unforgettable memories. :)
        I have indeed, mainly just the cities though – Madrid, Barcelona and a small coastal town called Calpe. Loved them all but I’m now looking forward to read about your hiking adventures!!
        Do you think you’ll be blogging about it along the way? :)

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll probably keep notes and attempt a post when I get back. I’ll definitely tell you the good, the bad and the ugly, though! It seems like there’s alot of sunshine that gets blown about by people enamored with the Camino that doesn’t jive with alot of the serious things that are happening to women with some regularity there, but I think I’m prepared and will keep my eyes open and try to make an honest account so that when you DO go, you have a clear picture of what you’re in for!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep. There are many, many women going alone even with the problems. Some try to find other women to meet up with via a Facebook site, but the conensus is that it’s not too hard to find others along the way to stay in eyesight of. If I’m off the trail sightseeing, I plan to wait to rejoin until I see a group of people to stay close to and to stay in a large albergue where there are others to leave with in the morning for the more isolated areas. I may only go as far as Leon or Astorga this time.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I presume this is quite a busy season so I’m sure you will meet some lovely people.
        I have to admit I would be tempted to do this on my own too. Sounds like quite a therapeutic walk. :)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Looking forward to it! Morocco is a country I would love to visit – one of these days, ha! – so I can’t wait to visit it through your eyes. Hope you are having a lovely weekend :-) xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Sherri! I’m really excited and I hope I won’t let you guys down :)
      Well, it’s raining down here… but we had a sunny picnic in the park yesterday so that’ll have to do!! :D xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • It’s raining here too today, but so glad you got to enjoy a sunny picnic in the park, sounds deligthful :-) We have to make the most of the good weather when we get it here, as you well know!
        And now, I feel very bad, because having said I am so looking forward to reading your Moroccan posts (and I am, very much!), I have had to come to the very difficult decision over the weekend to pull away from blogging for a little while, which I’ll explain in my signing off post later today. They are not bad reasons, but I am beyond stressed at the moment because I am way too overloaded. I am desperate to get my book written now that the end is in sight and I also have a family holiday coming up, long awaited, with all three of my kids, and too much to do to prepare for it. Blogging is wonderful, I love it, but I know my limitations and I know I will not be able to keep going with it for the time being, though I will miss everyone terribly.
        But…I will do my best to visit you here as I promised as I don’t want to let you down, even though it might not be on the day. And you won’t let anyone down, I know your posts will be interesting, fun and full of fascinating facts about your beautiful homeland :-) So no worries there!
        So, dear Elise, I will see you soon and will be back to blogging as soon as I can and keep those Moroccan posts coming!
        Take care… Sherri :-) xx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Sherri, please don’t worry. I’ll be sad to see you go when we’ve just met but I completely understand your need to focus on other things. :)
        I do hope it will be a fruitful couple of months ahead and when you have some time, you’re always welcome for some Moroccan tea ;)
        Keep in touch! xx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so much dear Elise, and I so look forward to stopping by for some Moroccan tea, how wondeful! I will definitely keep in touch and will see you soon! Hugs… xx


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